Friday, October 25, 2024

Question: What is the name of the legendary “evil” doll that has been haunting the citizens of Key West for over 100 years?

Answer: Robert the Doll

Robert Eugene Otto—known as “Gene” to his family—was a young boy in the early 1900s when a family maid gave him a strange, straw-filled doll to play with. Gene loved his life-sized doll and brought it along everywhere, even naming it “Robert” after himself. It wasn’t long, however, before people began noticing signs of Robert the Doll’s evil and mischievous nature.

Robert the Doll now lives at the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, where some believe his hair color and soul are slowly fading. Visitors beware, though, as Robert’s current favorite mischievous act involves casting curses on those who take his photo without first asking permission.